Thursday, December 10, 2015

IndieView with Jannette Fuller, author of Persuasion


And for those of you who are aspiring authors—don’t be scared. I had some unhealthy writing habits that delayed my book from seeing the light of day. I‘ve learned from my mistakes, though. 

Jannette Fuller – 10 December 2015

The Back Flap

Agent Yagil is a seasoned Guardian Angel, but his newest assignment is going to take every bit of strength and commitment he has.

Seventeen year old Amber Reynolds is looking for freedom and independence from her rigid lifestyle. Going behind her parents’ back, she takes a part-time job at the renowned Inn located within Ambrosial Acres.

As Agent Yagil watches over Amber, he discovers that despite its mysterious beauty, Ambrosial Acres hides a dark and supernatural secret.

Between Amber’s new coworker crushes, her menacing stalker, a mysterious online stranger, and the evil Agents out to lead her down a path of self destruction, Agent Yagil faces the fight of his career.

Life is all about choices.

Can he help Amber make the right ones, before it’s too late?

About the book

What is the book about?

The book is about spiritual warfare and freewill. It’s infused with mystery, fantasy, the supernatural, and a touch of teenage romance.

When did you start writing the book?

About three years ago. The title went from Ambrosia Acres to Persuasion.

How long did it take you to write it?

It took a total of three years. And for those of you who are aspiring authors—don’t be scared. I had some unhealthy writing habits that delayed my book from seeing the light of day. I‘ve learned from my mistakes, though.

Where did you get the idea from?

I got the idea from my personal struggles—rejection, fear, and low self esteem. I wanted to show what it looks like when humans are persuaded and harassed by evil spirits, trying to get them to sin to the point of destroying them (both in this temporary life and the eternal one to come).

Were there any parts of the book where you struggled?

The whole story was a struggle for me—simply because I’ve never written a book before. Not to mention, my passion for writing came at a late time (in my mid-thirties). I’ve never taken creative writing classes, or attended a writer’s workshop, either.

What came easily?

Surprisingly, it was the dialogue. I had so much fun getting into character—it was effortless, actually. It also helped me to get through the story as I struggled to maintain a steady plot line, stringing words together from beginning to end.

Are your characters entirely fictitious or have you borrowed from real world people you know?

Most of the characters are based on people from the Bible. However, Amber (the MC) Trent, Tirzah, and Phoebe have a little bit of me in them: past and present traits of mine.

We all know how important it is for writers to read. Are there any particular authors that have influenced how you write and, if so, how have they influenced you?

There are many wonderful authors who have blessed me many ways—C.S. Lewis, Jeanne DuPrau, Frank Peretti, Jenny B. Jones….

Do you have a target reader?

Young adults and people who are young at heart (as well as Christians and non-Christians).

About Writing

Do you have a writing process? If so can you please describe it?

I did, but then I realized having a strict writing schedule really stressed me out. Even though I’m a stay-at-home wife/mother, my schedule tends to get interrupted a lot of the times, causing me to put my writing time on the backburner so I can attend to other things that require my attention. Prioritizing is very important to me, which puts God, my family, and friends at the top of the list.

Do you outline? If so, do you do so extensively or just chapter headings and a couple of sentences?

Yes and no. I guess you can say I’m half Panster and half Plotter. Lol! I do need a written vision of what I want to convey, but not to the point where every little detail is planned out. I’m a big fan of making Bullet Lists, which consists of: character profiles, locations, secrets/twists, timeline of the entire story, and other things that pertain to the story, helping me to stay consistent as I write. Besides, the plot and characters always end up going off in a different direction, which ends up being better—way better—than I intended. Go figure.

Do you edit as you go or wait until you’ve finished?

Ugh…guilty as charged. I used to be notorious for editing as I wrote. And everyone warned me it would drive me bonkers, killing my creative flow, not to mention stealing my writing time. But I didn’t listen. However, after much self-discipline and patience, I finally kicked that bad habit. Thank God!

Did you hire a professional editor?

No. I edited my manuscript about a gazillion times, which included two rewrites, major revisions, and lots of polishing. Then, the line edits came in from my publisher (a piece of cake compared to all the other revisions, if you ask me).

Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what gets the fingers tapping?

Oh, yeah! Music has always been a part of me, and writing while jamming out amplifies my creative juices, helping me to connect with the story and characters on a deeper level. As far as what kind of music I like—I like all kinds, especially Christian rock and pop.

About Publishing

Did you submit your work to Agents?

No. But if you’d give me just a minute, I’d love to share my testimony (in a nutshell) on how I landed an agent. It’s so cool! Okay, so after asking God if I should give up on writing or not, He answered my prayer instantly! After my daily walk, I went back into the house and checked my email. The words POSSIBLE REPRESENTATION jumped out at me. I was shocked from the inside out. The lady who sent me the email—that forever changed my life—is a Literary Agent located in the UK. She found my website and then contacted me. Miracles really do happen! I’m living proof!!!

What made you decide to go Indie, whether self-publishing or with an indie publisher? Was it a particular event or a gradual process?

I didn’t. This publishing option chose me! Please refer to my answer above.

Did you get your book cover professionally done or did you do it yourself?

Nope, I didn’t have to. My wonderful publisher was the one who made my beautiful and awesome book cover.

Do you have a marketing plan for the book or are you just winging it?

When I signed the contract with my lovely and awesome agent, Vanessa Grossett, she included a very simple but effective marketing plan. However, I haven’t spent as much time marketing as I did during the first four months after it was published (April 29, 2015 by Splice Publishing). The summer and fall seasons are usually the busiest times for me and my family. I will, however, start marketing again on a regular basis.

Any advice that you would like to give to other newbies considering becoming Indie authors?

I sure do. The most important things I’ve learned during my personal journey as a debut author, are these three things: 1) Write the story (whether fiction or non fiction) that is in your heart, 2) Never give up and always start what you finish, 3) And then do your part by marketing your book (s) in a way that suits you, but at the same time being yourself while reaching out to others (your potential readership) with sincerity, kindness, and respect. Readers want to read great books, but they want to connect with their favorite authors as well.

About You

Where did you grow up?

I was born and raised in Southern California.

Where do you live now?

After I gradated high school, I moved to North Carolina, which has grown on me over the past years. The mountains are so peaceful, majestic, and full of wonder. It’s truly home sweet home.

What would you like readers to know about you?

Hm? Well, besides reading, writing, and thinking about what to write next, I love to spend time in God’s presence, singing my heart out to Him, making crafts with my youngest daughter (Pinterest rocks!), watching my favorite shows on Netflix, shopping, going on scenic drives, and fellowshipping with family and friends. One more thing, I love eating healthy foods, especially organic desserts—it makes me feel less guilty.

What are you working on now?

Good question. Unfortunately, I can’t answer this one, though. I do have some great ideas whirling inside my mind, but not to the point where I can envision it becoming a story—just yet.

End of Interview:

Get your copy of Persuasion from Amazon US or Amazon UK.

from The IndieView

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