Tuesday, May 21, 2019

3 Most Difficult Home Repairs Better Left to the Pros

A DIY project is cheap, challenging, and most of all rewarding. However, there are some tasks that you should avoid, because one wrong move can cause damage or injury. Here are some of those:

Decks and Patio
You might think constructing your own deck or patio is the ultimate DIY dream: spending afternoons sawing, measuring, and hammering to create a one-of-a-kind outdoor oasis for your family.

Think again.

“I see the biggest messes connected with decks,” says Pablo Solomon, an artist and designer in Austin, TX, who has many times been “asked to rescue homeowners from their—or the previous owner’s—screw-ups.”

Building a deck is expensive and “requires more carpentry skill than one would think,” Solomon says. Instead of going the wood route, he recommends using stone, brick, or pavers to create an outdoor patio living space—a much simpler project that creates the same cozy feel. Source: Realtor

Paint Jobs
Many homeowners think they can save money by painting the interior or exterior of their properties themselves. After all, it just requires a trip to the hardware store and a few hours of making back-and-forth brush strokes, right?

But a bad paint job can have real consequences, especially if owners aren’t too handy with a brush and have plans to sell.

“A lot of people feel painting is pretty simple and that a fresh coat of paint does a lot for the sale of a home and gives it a fresh feel,” Hertzberg said. “But for a lot of people who don’t have experience painting, you can come in and see all the brush strokes. If people don’t paint properly, it can look like there are two tones, or you could get paint on the wood floor or countertops. They start out with good intentions, but end up damaging the property worse.” Source: CBSNews

R­epairing a roof isn’t recommended for a do-it-yourselfer for one reason — it’s easy to fall off of. Repairing a roof shingle or two isn’t the toughest job in the world, but it’s getting up and down and carrying your tools with you that pose the risk of injury or death. It’s also very tiring work, and when you’re tired, you’re more prone to make a mistake. Just a quick slip is all it takes to send you over the edge of a second-story roof. Source: Home.HowStuffWorks

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Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8279 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4W1
(604) 360-2114

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