Tuesday, November 20, 2018

IndieView with Caroline Walken, author of Behind the Fan

I experienced the same when I lost my parents, it is a common cord we share. Being me however I had to ask, what if you found something you never expected?  

Caroline Walken – 20 November 2018

The Back Flap

“Baby, come to me.”

 We are together; his voice intoxicates me, it’s as potent as whiskey. I hold on tightly, but he still departs; leaving me behind. I am Dorothy Kennedy-Denham, heir to Kennedy Electronics. I’ve outlived friends, my children and my love, Nicky. This small house evaporates, and I return to where it began. The lure to remain is powerful, but I have unfinished business.

My family calls this an absence of presence. Their concern begins the process, and they descend on me, it’s decided I should move into a nursing home. Packing my life into boxes, it’s not long before my home is bare. Forgotten photos open the door to a past they never imagined. I won’t apologize; not about the burlesque club or the mobsters I’ve known and loved. They might think my life is unimaginable; my connection with Nicky is unbelievable. But, in the end, I hope they find it inspirational.

About the book

What is the book about?

Behind the Fan lived in my heart for a very long time, the love story was inspired by a chance meeting when I was in my mid-twenties.  I worked as an aide for a short time in a nursing facility; it was there that I met Cookie.  She was over ninety years old and the last surviving member of her immediate family. Now although Cookie was very sweet the majority of the time, she had dementia and suffered the emotional upheaval that accompanies this disease. On occasion, she just wasn’t cooperative; wouldn’t get dressed, join the others for meals or take her medication. My fellow aides taught me the key to success with Cookie.  Simply tell her that her husband, Buddy was coming to see her.

Like many, I was skeptical at first but, I was willing to try this to avoid Cookie’s wrath! It wasn’t long and found myself facing off with Cookie, her arms crossed and head turned in defiance! I took a deep breath and sweetly ‘reminded’ her we were dressing to have dinner with Buddy. She slowly turned to appraise me as I held my breath.  She smiled then pointed to the closet with detailed instructions as to what she would wear. The change in her overall demeanor was mystical, furthermore, regardless of what she wore, she saw her favorite dress.  By the facility rules, jewelry was seldom permitted.  Still, she would touch her hand to her bare throat, and with my encouragement, she could feel her favorite strand of pearls, a gift from Buddy. I witnessed a miracle as she fell back in time, returning to a period of her life where happiness waited for her.

I expected this to be the only transformation, but I was proven wrong. The remainder of the day Cookie smiled and nodded to someone that only she saw. At times I would pass to find her humming to a forgotten melody. I stood amazed and a little jealous of her bliss. The nurses and doctors would chastise us for allowing Cookie to lapse into these moments. They warned all the aides that we should instead remind her of the present, confirm for her where she was. Why?  Why remind her that her family was lost to her, that she was alone now. Why not help her to connect to the days when she and Buddy danced to their favorite band, enjoyed quiet dinners, help her feel the warmth of his hand in hers.

Cookie passed quietly in the night; and sadly alone since she had no living relatives. I prefer to believe that Buddy was there with her. Taking her hand as their favorite song played in the background, he led her away from us.  Believing this gives me a feeling of peace and hope.

 When did you start writing the book?

I have wanted to write about my encounter with Cookie for a very long time. Finally the inspiration for the setting and back story hit me.  I was writing another book (Nowhere on the Map) but found myself sneaking off to jots notes for this book. I don’t think I had the first chapter down when I was searching the title to see if it had been used! I hit publish on Nowhere, opened my ‘Fan’ folder and began writing!

How long did it take you to write it?

Approximately 2 years

Where did you get the idea from?

A dear friend of mine had lost her father and in assisting her mother to a retirement facility they family uncovered a wealth of personal details they were unaware of. It was touching as she recounted her experience of reading through love letters sent when he was oversees, the discovery of a box of military awards they were unaware of and simple items such as inscribed watches.

I experienced the same when I lost my parents, it is a common cord we share. Being me however I had to ask, what if you found something you never expected?

Were there any parts of the book where you struggled?

It wasn’t anything I struggled with but I worried that the sections of the story when Dottie drifts into the past would be cumbersome for my readers. I did extensive research to learn how best to present this. Then, I held my breath as my proof reader and then reviewers read the book.

I was very pleased to hear that those sections flowed easily and my readers have actually stated that this was done very well. I consider this a high compliment since this is a pivotal point of the overall story.

What came easily?

Strangely, I like the chapter when Dottie and her Granddaughter Kim find themselves at the cemetery. I honestly closed my eyes and wrote from my heart during this chapter. It represents the message I wish for everyone to embrace. Visit the person now and forget about visiting the resting place.

Are your characters entirely fictitious or have you borrowed from real world people you know?

As stated previously, Dottie is based on an actual person but she is not the only one!  Several of my friends appear in the tale, Richard, Angie and of course Roxy Black the blues singer. Their support and friendship have been paramount and what better award than to have their personalities live forever in these pages.

We all know how important it is for writers to read. Are there any particular authors that have influenced how you write and, if so, how have they influenced you?

I read and review books quite regularly but I am drawn to action and murder mysteries when I read for pleasure.  My favorite will always be Patricia Cornwell but it is an emotional pull I feel from her books. She had been my favorite and I recommended her to my Dad. He became a huge fan and we enjoyed sharing her works together. I always think of him when I read one of her older books.

Do you have a target reader?

I can’t say that I do, as in I don’t gear my works towards an age group or genre. I do present my women in my stories as strong independent people. They are perhaps stubborn and headstrong, my husband claims they are familiar to him. Being a hopeless romantic, I do like tying the love story up in a tidy bow at the end. You may simply have to experience some trouble along the way!

About Writing

Do you outline? If so, do you do so extensively or just chapter headings and a couple of sentences?

I do a rough outline mapping how I would like to see the story progress. I find this helps keep the story from rambling. Although, as with any writer I can tell you there are time when the characters simply take off and all you can do is hold on for dear life!

Do you edit as you go or wait until you’ve finished?

I feel that editing as you go along makes much less work for you in the end. However, I still use an editor and proof reader, you simply are paged blind at the end of any project.

About Publishing

What made you decide to go Indie, whether self-publishing or with an indie publisher? Was it a particular event or a gradual process?

I had submitted my work to agents and still do in an effort to find a home in a larger publishing house but I have stayed an indie author. My goal was not to become famous or make a million dollars, it was to be a storyteller.  Although I am not adverse to fame and fortune I felt keeping the manuscripts locked within my computer was unacceptable. I would much rather enjoy my readers now, I am ok with fame once I am gone!

Did you get your book cover professionally done or did you do it yourself?

I do use a professional and she is simply amazing! If you don’t mind the plug; Talia’s Book Covers did this cover. I sent her the synopsis and the blurb and she created the perfect illustration for the book. I have received rave reviews of her work!

Do you have a marketing plan for the book or are you just winging it?

I have created a marketing plan but to be fair this is the first book I fully launched with it. I have learned what has worked and where to wisely invest in the future.  It is difficult when beginning but as in any profession, you have to invest in yourself. The rest will then fall into place.

Any advice that you would like to give to other newbies considering becoming Indie authors?

Invest in a good grammar software package, no one is perfect and believe me this will be your best friend! As far as social media goes, Facebook is nice however Twitter works better for writers who are trying to build a fan base. FB is still very social and you do run the risk of having your site locked or in my case-taken down!  (Oh Yeah!)

Be aware you can’t do it all, if you struggle with social media there are affordable sites that will manage this for you. If like me you are artistic but not computer savvy; hire a talented artist for that cover design. Books are often bought by this image, you want the best. In closing; yes you do need an editor/proofreader, we all do! You can find this very affordably by searching the internet; try Reedsy first they have a great list of professionals.

About You

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in northern Kentucky, many of my stories are based in that area or around the city of Newport. I simply love gangsters, lawbreakers and heartbreakers!

Where do you live now?

I live on a small farm in southern Ohio with my soulmate of 30 years. In the summer I ride and show a quarter horse and in the winter I hibernate and write! I keep threatening to move to a warmer climate! I only appreciate snow from inside a warm house with a hot cup of coffee or a glass of full-bodied wine!

What would you like readers to know about you?

I have always been independent, headstrong and passionate. I can thank my Mother for this. From the time I was very young until I became an adult she drilled the same lesson into me every opportunity she had. She was a feminist long before there was a term and certainly before it was fashionable. I will only portray my woman as strong women, they kneel to no one, own their decisions and mistakes, and seldom behave.

“Let the trouble begin!”

End of Interview:

For more from Caroline, visit her website and follow her on Twitter.

Get your copy of Behind the Fan from Amazon US or Amazon UK.


from The IndieView https://ift.tt/2OTfAec

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