Saturday, November 17, 2018

IndieView with Elizabeth Guizzetti, author of Immortal House

My husband and I watch a lot of horror movies. We were watching Tales of a Vampire, 1992 starring Julian Sands when the thought of the huge urban lofts where city-residing vampires are supposed to live are disappearing. I mentioned it to my husband and he said, "You have to write that."

 Elizabeth Guizzetti- 17 November 2018

The Back Flap

Laurence Roch might be the worst vampire in Seattle. He adores peppermint mochas. He follows the Seahawks and Mariners religiously. He never wears black or sleeps in a coffin. However, coffin or not, a vampire needs a safe place to rest their head, or they will go insane.

After his mortal love dies, Laurence finds himself alone and without a home. With a booming tech industry, the city's population keeps growing. The hunting is good, but affordable real estate is hard to find.

About the book

What is the book about?

Immortal House is a satire horror story about Laurence Roch, a vampire who is house hunting in Seattle. His lover died when he was in torpor (a decade-long sleep) and when he awoke, he found himself alone and without a home.

When did you start writing the book?

Around March, this year. (2018)

How long did it take you to write it?

Compared to my other work, Immortal House came quickly, because I knew exactly where I was going with the story. I had two illustration jobs (A is for Apex written by Jennifer Brozek and the latest story for my comic Out For Souls and Cookies) so my writing time was focused for a few hours a day.

Where did you get the idea from?

My husband and I watch a lot of horror movies. We were watching Tales of a Vampire, 1992 starring Julian Sands when the thought of the huge urban lofts where city-residing vampires are supposed to live are disappearing.  I mentioned it to my husband and he said, "You have to write that."

Except when the real estate bubble popped, house prices have risen most of my adult life. For people who haven't been here, Seattle is squashed between two finger lakes and a deep harbor. Many old homes with large lots are being bought up by investors and modern rowhouses are built in their place. The population keeps growing due to the tech industry. I don't fear the inevitable change, but there are both good and unfortunate aspects to a denser city core and metropolitan area.

Were there any parts of the book where you struggled?

The book is set in present-day Seattle, however, like many vampire stories, Laurence has an origin story. He is approximately two centuries old. Historically, people have been terrible to each other, so I struggled if the chronological darkness fit into Laurence's story. I wrote it, put it in and took it out each time I wrote a new draft. Without it, the book simply didn't feel complete, so it went back in.

What came easily?

Laurence and Norma's characters, their backstories, and the jokes.

Are your characters entirely fictitious or have you borrowed from real world people you know?

I do borrow from the real world, because I want all the characters, including supernatural ones to feel real. However, each character is a medley of people I've witnessed or phrases I've caught in the world, not a single individual.

We all know how important it is for writers to read. Are there any particular authors that have influenced how you write and, if so, how have they influenced you?

I have several influences. Stephen King, Margret Atwood, Tanya Huff are the big ones. I love their stories and the way they pull in the reader with their pacing and word choices.

 Do you have a target reader?

I write for adults who like fantastical stories with a touch of realism.

About Writing

Do you have a writing process? If so can you please describe it?

I get an idea and put it in my queue (some people call it an idea file), because I'm most likely working on something else. When the time is right, I rough out an outline in a day. Primary characters' personalities are roughed out in a week. Then I do a blast of action and scenes in order to get a first draft. This takes me about a month. Whole scenes might be described in a paragraph or two plus added dialogue and major action. Very little detail. I don't really research in the beginning. I just go for it. Get it down. Get something down.

In my second draft, I go over all the major plot points. The dialogue becomes more distinctive as I get to know my characters. Their actions are justified at least in their own minds. Once I start hearing all the primary and secondary characters, I know I have a solid second draft and begin to research any realistic details I'm missing. If I need additional, or fewer POVs, this is the draft tells me that.

After this draft, I set it aside for six weeks (I was given that advice in Stephen King's On Writing.) I didn't believe it until I set Other Systems aside and then it was published by 48Fourteen, back in 2011.

Only during my third draft, I am able to see my "little darling" chapters that don't add to the plot or subplots. After they are cut, more important chapters and plot points come to the forefront. Generally, the main story is what it will be at this point. I feel it is good enough. to show a couple of my friends who have writing backgrounds for feedback.

Once I have a little more time and a little more distance: I add or cut and fill the plot holes which my early readers have found. More often than not, another important point will pop up. My final draft before editing is when I listen to my manuscript. I read it aloud and make the computer read it aloud to me. Then I read for copy before I start sending it out to publishers or hire an editor depending on how I want to bring it to market.

Do you outline? If so, do you do so extensively or just chapter headings and a couple of sentences?

I outline. I generally have a chapter heading, the goals for the scenes, characters, and a few important thoughts. Occasionally I write out a joke or do a sketch to keep an idea the inspiration alive.

Do you edit as you go or wait until you've finished?

I write a draft, then do an edit. I write another draft, then do an edit. Only by draft three do I feel confident to edit as I go.

Did you hire a professional editor?

Yes. All my self-published work is edited.

Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what gets the fingers tapping?

No. I need quiet when I'm writing. I talk to myself to ensure dialogue sounds natural.

About Publishing

Did you submit your work to Agents?

I submitted by first novel to agents and publishers. However, a small press picked up Other Systems (and the sequel) so I never have worked with an agent.

What made you decide to go Indie, whether self-publishing or with an indie publisher? Was it a particular event or a gradual process?

48Fourteen is a small independent press in Texas and I loved working with them on Other Systems and The Light Side of the Moon. And I've worked as an illustrator for Apocalypse Ink Productions another independent press. Then I have my self-published works too.

Did you get your book cover professionally done or did you do it yourself?

I do my own covers, but I am a professional artist.

Do you have a marketing plan for the book or are you just winging it?

Both. I am constantly learning and what worked two years ago doesn't work now.

Any advice that you would like to give to other newbies considering becoming Indie authors?

Don't write expecting to become rich. Find your own definition of success and have fun.

About You

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Bremerton. (A small city across the water from Seattle.)

Where do you live now?

Seattle. My parents are still only a ferry-ride away.

What would you like readers to know about you?

I had a wonderful husband and two dogs. I enjoy birdwatching and hiking. I love to watch professional wrestling and often livetweet WWE Payperviews.

End of Interview:

For more from Elizabeth, visit her website, follow her on Twitter, and like her Facebook page.

Get your copy of Immortal House from Amazon US or Amazon UK.

from The IndieView

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