Friday, March 3, 2017

Curly haircuts and why I don’t get my curly hair cut dry

Hair Romance - Curly Haircuts - Why I don't get my curly hair cut dry

Let's talk about curly haircuts – one of my most frequently asked questions. Today I want to chat to you about why I don't get my curly hair cut dry and if that's right for you.

Curly hair is very different to straight hair and needs to be treated differently. Not only do you wash it differently, but curly hair needs a different kind of haircut.

Curly hair experts will say you need your curls cut when they're dry, and for many good reasons. Dry haircuts probably need an entire post on their own, but today I wanted to explain why I prefer to get my hair cut when it's wet.

You can read more below and watch my video to see my explanations.

Why I don't get my curly hair cut dry

Click here if you can't see the video

1. Dry haircuts (by their nature) are uneven

Every curl springs up differently and any curly girl will know how much curly hair length changes as it dries.

Shrinkage is real!

Shrinkage is what you call the difference between the length of your hair when it's wet and pulled straight compared to when it's dry. For some curly girls that can be a huge, huge difference.

In my hair, the shrinkage works out to be around 10cm. I have a very mixed curl pattern on my head. Underneath I have very tight ringlets and on the top I have looser waves.

Dry cuts account for the shrinkage and are shaped as your hair sits naturally. In my hair, this would mean big differences in length across my head.

It's not a major issue when you're wearing your hair curly all the time, but this does cause problems for me. And that leads me on to reason two…

2. I wear my hair straight from time to time

For me hair is fun, and I love the versatility of being able to style my hair in different ways.

Plus my job is to create hairstyles for Hair Romance, so I need a variety of looks in my hair. If I tried to straighten my hair after it has been cut dry then my hair would look a mess. It pretty much looks like I took a pair of scissors to my hair. (And actually this is what a lot of curly girls do; they cut their hair curl by curl with scissors.)

If you never wear your hair straight, this won't be a problem for you. But if you like a bit of variety, then this is something to consider.

Hair Romance - Curly Haircuts - Why I don't get my curly hair cut dry

3. My curls change

I seem to have very fluid curl patterns and my hair changes all the time. Sometimes I'll do the exact same routine and get a completely different curl result.

My curls also change over time. If you compare photos of my curls from two years ago to now, they look completely different.

My hair may not change in a month, so I could probably still get away with the unevenness of a dry hair cut, but I prefer having a straighter haircut. This gives my curls space to change when they want and my haircut will still be fairly even.

Hair Romance - Curly Haircuts - Why I don't get my curly hair cut dry

Do you get your hair cut wet or dry, and why? Do your curls change? And do you like to wear your hair straight sometimes too?

The post Curly haircuts and why I don't get my curly hair cut dry appeared first on Hair Romance.

from Hair Romance

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